Some cute plants i pass everyday on the way home.
These little things won't fix your problems, if you're having a bad day. But hopefully they'll create little moments where your dimples show, or give you a little giggle. Life is about those little moments - no one can feel happy all of the time.
1) Having a long chat to a friend you haven't had one with in ages.
2) Falling asleep to the sound of rain on the roof.
3) NO bra.
4) Movie nights with friends.
5) Laughing so hard your ribs start to hurt.
6) Helping someone out.
7) Finding money.
8) Hard work paying off.
9) When your pet decides to be affectionate.
10) Spoiling someone.
11) Receiving/giving flowers.
12) Walks in the forest.
13) Road trips.
14) Baby animals.
15) Sitting by the fire in winter.
16) Summer fruits.
17) Making someone laugh.
18) Having a deep conversation with someone you didn't know you could have one with.
19) The feeling of slipping into your sheets with freshly shaven legs.
20) Music.
21) Losing weight.
22) Life in general.
23) Re-watching a movie and understanding parts you previously didn't.
24) Polaroid cameras.
25) Tumblr.
26) Finding new spots you love.
27) Not taking yourself to seriously.
28) Hot showers.
29) Feeling good about yourself.
30) Swimming under waterfalls.
31) Letters.
32) Feeling confident.
33) Chunky scarves in winter.
34) Finding something you enjoy.
35) Compliments.
36) You.
37) Making someone feel special.
38) Herb gardens.
39) Having a tidy room.
40) Emojis.
41) Finishing an assignment.
42) Baking.
43) Cooking your favourite food.
44) Hotels.
45) Exploring new places.
46) Reading old diary's.
47) Finding a pretty shell on the beach.
48) Rugging up in winter.
49) Winter.
50) Being the only ones in the cinema.
51) Disney movies.
52) Shopping.
53) Writing poems.
54) Sleeping in.
55) Playing with babies.
56) Watching children learn how to talk.
57) Reading short stories.
58) Feeling a sense of direction.
59) Birthdays.
60) New jewellery.
61) Getting dressed up.
62) Taking a good picture.
63) Black and white photo's.
64) Kittens.
65) Succulents.
66) Stepping on crunchy autumn leaves.
67) Doing your eyeliner to the best of your ability.
68) Children giving you flowers - and little notes attached.
69) Feeling like you're on top of your work load.
70) Driving around the city at night.
71) Cuddles with babies.
72) Spa's.
73) Aeroplanes.
74) Travelling.
75) Shoe collections.
76) Being in an airport - and the weird excited/nervous/panicky feeling you get.
77) Forehead kisses.
78) Smashing plates.
79) Bonfires on the beach.
80) Long phone calls.
81) Friends trusting you enough to confide in you.
82) Someone keeping your secret.
83) Feeling creative/artsy.
84) Alexa Chung - and all her beauty.
85) A great concert.
86) Music festivals.
87) Instagram.
88) New bedding.
89) Chunky sweaters.
90) New shoes.
91) Catching up with a friend you haven't seen in ages.
92) Being on a boat.
93) Long hair.
94) New lingerie.
95) Feeling special.
96) Rings.
97) Cacti
98) Lorde
99) Having someone to lean on.
100) Arranging flowers.