Sunday 26 April 2015


Kizzie / 62 Models / by James K Lowe. 


- I just watched a cool little web series called $1 Reserve it's about the connections we make with strangers when buying and selling on Trade Me. Defiantly worth checking out! 

- Broccoli from Taiko in Kingsland. Nothing better.

Ella's speech at the Taite. Oh my god, she's so awesome.


- when someone drinks out of your water bottle, and you feel like you can't drink out of it anymore. 

- I ordered a pair of shorts online for my birthday (it's autumn, I'm crazy, I know), and received an email from the company (which I thought was a standard confirmation), I read it a week later, but explained in it that they had sold out. (And they still haven't refunded me?!)
+ I really wanted them cos Katherine Lowe has a pair ;(

Sarah x


Irving Penn.

1. ALWAYS wash off your makeup before bed:

 Even if you roll in at 2 am, and collapse onto your bed. A quick once over with a wet wipe will do the trick. It'll prevent that huge zit in the middle of your face the next day, and panda eyes in the morning really aren't that pretty. 

2. Dress to your body not the trends:

9 year old me hated this. All I ever wanted to wear was these super high (I'm talking under the boob high) waisted denim shorts. Although to my delight, they made my legs look super long, but they would eliminate all evidence that I had a back/chest/body. I'd basically look like a chest with legs. It's great to buy a few pieces each season that are 'on trend', but she's taught me to invest in pieces that I know fit and flatter my body well. 

3. You can never have too many white t-shirts and black pants:

Anyone who knows my mum knows that this needs no explanation. More often than not it's her uniform. Nothing looks more polished and put together than a great pair of black jeans and crisp white top. 

4. Be independent:

Girls should be happy with OR without someone cos #whoruntheworld (girls). Somehow mum has taught me the value of independence, and to avoid relying on others where possible. She has taught me to take responsibility for my mistakes, and to work hard for what I want. 

5. Appreciate old music: 

It might not speak to my teenage soul. But the music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's had a relevant meaning to those who were listening to it. They could relate to it, and I can't say that I can relate to any song in the top 40 at the moment. They're all about drinking, drugs, partying, love, etc. So mum has taught me to appreciate the music from that era.

Sarah x

Sunday 19 April 2015


Friend goals:

Quality over quantity with everything but with friends especially. Everyone should have those friends that they can be their complete selves around. The ones that give honest advice about everything including, boys, that dress you want to buy, and if that's the right filter/caption for your gram. And bonus if they don't mind the fact your fascination with lorde runs deeper than you will ever let on.

Life goals:

Be chill. I'm the kind of person who needs a plan for everything, and if I'm honest most things stress me out (especially anything to do who decision making). My aim is to stop sweating the small stuff, and know that everything works out as its supposed to.
- Find a hobby that doesn't include shopping, watching youtube videos, or someone else.
- Also, more fitness. Obvi.

Money goals:

When it comes to money and spending I'm THE worst so this is forever a goal of mine. Spend less, save more. The usual. But I feel like if I have it in writing I might try harder? Lol, probably not.

Travel goals:

Do more dope shit. It could be some extravagant European excursion, mid-winter getaway somewhere tropical. Or head up to the Mermaid Pools in Matapouri, honestly its probably one of the most calming places in New Zealand. Don't get me wrong I love Auckland, but I love leaving it more. Having trips planned gives you something to look forward to, you can leave the stresses of school/uni/work/life and come back all inspired and motivated.

Blog goals:

Advertise! I need to use different forms social media as a platform for my blog. I don't really like the idea of self promotion, but I think I can do it in a way that is interesting and cool to people my age. And also to post on a regular basis (I've been slacking off lately).

Mermaid Pools, Matapouri.
Mermaid pools, Matapouri <3

Sarah x