Thursday 28 May 2015


1.  It forces you to make new friends & meet new people:

Environments like school/uni/work can sometimes be hard to make friends in. So it's really great that I can travel somewhere foreign, meet new people & make new friends, and just have a great time in general. I met one of my friends when we were both standing in the same department store in Bangkok, trying to decide whether the Prada bag we were looking at was real or not. Lol.

2. The experiences:

Whether it be feeling jet lagged and sick in an airport lounge, or riding an elephant under the blistering sun. They're all experiences that you'll never get back again. They'll change who you are, and how you see the world. It makes me really love and appreciate where I come from even more.

3.  Learning about other cultures:

The New Zealand culture is quite acquiescent and tame, so it is always intriguing to learn about other cultures. And the best way to do that is to be there, and experience it for yourself! There are so many countries and cultures that need to be explored. I could describe to you the city lights of Bali, but you really have to see it for yourself to capture it's full beauty - Instagram and Tumblr do it no justice.

4. The food:

The best way to learn about a culture is by food. (And who doesn't love to eat?) One thing I regret doing all to often is going for a universal food chain when I should be experiencing the local delicacies. I guess you sometimes want something that resembles home. My advice would be to embrace it fully by dining as the local's do.

5. So you are aware of what's around you:

Being born and raised in one particular place meant growing up I never really knew what was outside my suburb. So travelling has really opened my eyes to the world outside of where I live. Especially because what you see on the news or online could never compare to experiencing something right in front of you.

Sarah x

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