Friday 8 May 2015


Ashleigh Cummings / Puberty Blues 

1) Be organised.

Start early. Keep your notes organised into different classes in chronological order. So you know where everything is for easy access. Even get all Legally Blonde and colour code that shit. It sounds like a bit of a mission, but you will be very thankful at exam time.

2) Keep hydrated.

Pretty self-explanatory. A hydrated body will be able to concentrate, and preform better. I try and get through a decent sized bottle every 1-2 hours.

3) Write it out as if you are explaining it to someone else.

Its the best way to understand and memorise things.

4) Snacks.

Study is a little boring, so make it more exciting with some yummy snacks. My favourite thing to snack on is a bag of mixed nuts - the great thing about that is one bag lasts 3-4 study sessions.

5) Music.

I find that most music will distract me from studying. So instead I listen to the instrumentals of songs. At the moment I'm listening to 'Pure Heroine' and it's the best! There's something about listening to music without the words that's really compelling - also less distracting.

From Sarah x

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